In picking a specialty, many attorneys are guided by their primary objective. After law school, these objectives often change, and they might even change their law specialty within the first year of practicing. It is important to stay in tune with yourself and make changes when you feel uncomfortable. As an undergraduate, it is easier to switch fields than it is to change specialties once you have graduated. Choosing a law specialty in law school will allow you to focus your attention on the most important issues you’ll face as an attorney.
When choosing a specialty, you may find yourself drawn to it during the first few years of law school. Although most law schools offer some generalist electives, there are several that are particularly useful to law students. For example, law students with an interest in criminal law should choose that field. Others should choose one that interests them but will allow them to broaden their horizons. A legal specialty can be a great way to increase your job prospects and earn more money in a specific field.
While law schools vary in their call programs, many offer specialized concentrations in a specific area. A Pathways to the Profession program may be recommended for you. Although it won’t earn you a notation on your transcript, this program will help you narrow down your choices and determine what kind of focus you want to pursue. When choosing your specialty, keep in mind that law schools are primarily academic institutions, so they may not be as specialized as you would like.
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